Dydodol i’r Iaith’s Response to the Donaldson Report

Dyfodol i’r Iaith are firmly of the opinion  that an expansive vision is required in relation to the Welsh language’s place within the education system and  in Welsh life. In response to Professor Graham Donaldson’s report, we would welcome some aspects, specifically:

  • That the report recongnises the contribution of Welsh schools
  • The emphasis placed upon communication and compulsory Welsh lessons to the age of16.

However, we also feel that many oppotunities have been missed, and we would note:

  • That there is no vision regarding the role of Welsh education in buliding a bilingual nation
  • There is no recognition of the need to expand  Welsh education on a large scale
  • No reference is made to the education system’s past contrubution to the destruction of the language  and its curent responsibility towards its restoration

Dyfodol yr Iaith look forward to discussing the report with the Government with the aim of making the expansion of Welsh education a priority.

Heini Gruffudd, Dyfodol i’r Iaith’s Chair said, “A review of education in Wales provides a golden opportunity  for the Government to promote the growth of Welsh education.”

“The Donaldson reprort wishes to see Welsh schools supporting English schools, but Welsh schools are already under considerable pressure with the significant work of introducing the Welsh language to a new generation of students.”

“What is required in the first place is a response to the need for Welsh education , and the number of Welsh schools has to be doubled if we are to come close to achieveing this.”

“ Generally speaking, the reorganisation of education needs to be an integral part of the Government’s vision of creating a bilingual  nation, and as far as I can see, the report in its current form does not come close to achieveing this.”