Welsh and Sport

CALL FOR CAMPAIGN TO PROMOTE WELSH IN SPORTS   In congratulating Team Wales on their achievements in the Commonwealth Games, Dyfodol i’r Iaith is calling for a campaign to promote Welsh in sports. Heini Gruffudd, Chair of Dyfodol i’r Iaith, said, “it’s great to hear some of Wales’ athletes talking in Welsh on radio and television, showing that Welsh is a very living language in sports.” “The Urdd in arranging the Welsh Games has also given a strong lead in bringing the language to the heart of sports. “The need now is to ensure that sports, athletics and swimming and leisure activities are available through the medium of Welsh in all communities in every county in Wales. “It would be valuable for the Language Standards which the Government will set up in November to set targets for Local Authorities regarding giving Welsh activities for young people. “There is also a need for a language promotion campaign aimed at sports clubs. There are some excellent examples, such as Crymych Rugby Club which runs 11 teams through the medium of Welsh. “Some national bodies, such as the Football Association of Wales has a bilingual website and produces bilingual materials, but the Welsh Rugby Union has a largely English only presence. “We look forward to seeing the Language Commissioner and the First Minister working together to produce a comprehensive programme to further Welsh in the world of sport over the next few years.”

White Paper on Additional Learning Needs

White Paper on Additional Learning Needs     In responding to the Welsh Government’s White Paper on Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Dyfodol i’r Iaith has expressed extreme disappointment that there is hardly any mention of the Welsh language in the document. Dyfodol  has offered many concrete suggestions as to how the Welsh language could be included in the ALN Bill in order to ensure that children and young people get the support that they need. Dyfodol’s suggestions include:

  • Including a clause on the face of the Bill ensuring the right for a child/young person to have support in Welsh
  • Including a clause in the Individual Development Plan (IDP) outlining in which language support should be provided
  • Including a clause in the Bill imposing a duty on local authorities, health boards and further education institutions to co-operate and share information in Welsh when that is required.
  • Including mandatory requirements in the Code of Practice regarding the Welsh Language including:
    • The right of children/young people and families to discuss the IDP in Welsh at any time in the process (preparing, review etc)
    • The right to to specialist support in Welsh (0-25) and ensuring linguistic progression and transition
    • The right to make and hear an appeal in Welsh (in local processes and Tribunal)
    • Provision regarding the Welsh language in relation to multi-agency working
    • Provision for workforce development to ensure an adequate supply of specialist staff who speak Welsh.
    • Independent advocacy in Welsh

Dyfodol i’r Iaith also recommends that the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol works with the Welsh Government to identfy where there is a shortage of skilled staff able to work in the ALN field in Welsh and to provide appropriate training courses in these fields. Estyn should also have the power to inspect how local authorities provide support in Welsh for children and young people with ALN and report on any failures to provide support. Ymateb Papur Gwyn Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (Welsh only)

Dyfodol at the Eisteddfod

Once again this year Dyfodol will have a stall on the Eisteddfod field in Llanelli with a full programme of activities for all ages. We have a double unit this year, so plenty of room to call by for a chat and a cup of tea. There are daily activities for children, including creating loom bands, in red, white and green. Ynyr Llwyd will also call by with a few songs. We will also have informal discussion on the hot topics of the day with experts in their fields. Here is the full programme of activities:


Thursday, August 7th                   11:30 – 12:30

Language Planning on a county level: Carmarthenshire & Wales

Speaker: Cefin Campbell

ON THE STALL (313-314)

Monday, August 4th          11:30 – 12:00

Discussion & cuppa  – Wellbeing of Future Generations Bill with

Dr Einir Young, Bangor University

 Wednesday, August 6th   11:30 – 12:00

Discussion & cuppa – the Welsh in Business – one company’s experience with

Myrddin ap Dafydd, Cwrw Llŷn

 Friday, August 8th 14:00 – 14:30

Discussion & cuppa – White Paper on Additional Learning Needs with

Dr Elin Walker Jones and Elin Wyn

Monday, August 4th at 14:00 and Thursday, August 7th at 15:00

A song or two with Ynyr Llwyd

 Every day on the stall:

An opportunity to create loom bands; key rings and

Thumbs up for the Future