The First Minister’s Statement


Dyfodol i’r Iaith (Future for the Language) has alleged that the First Minister is ignoring the main conclusions of the Big Conference on the Welsh language, held in July this year .
“According the Big Conference the most significant challenge to the Welsh language is the shifting population and the need for economic policies, housing and planning policies , educational policies and community development policies to meet this challenge,” said Heini Gruffudd , chairman of  Dyfodol.
Dyfodol is concerned that a statement by the First Minister on 12th November does nothing to address this major challenge. Dyfodol further asserts that the First Minister in his statement repeats Government policies that had already been published before the Big Conference .
Dyfodol has written to the First Minister to seek clarification on the statement. Letter to FM

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Annual General Meeting

Dyfodol will be holding a public meeting on Saturday 23rd November at 11am at Canolfan Merched y Wawr, Aberystwyth.
The main speakers will be Prof. Rhys Jones  Aberystwyth University and Eifion Bowen, Head of Planning for Carmarthenshire Council and the topic of the meeting will be “Planning and the new TAN20”, The meeting will be chaired by  Heini Gruffudd. All are welcome

After a break for lunch Dyfodol’s annual general meeting will be held at 1.30pm at the same venue. Lunch will be available for £4 but must be ordered in advance. If you want lunch please contact [email protected].