Holiday Caravan Parks

The Assembly Member Darren Millar is planning to introduce a new law in Wales which will address concerns regarding the management and regulation of holiday caravan parks.

The Holiday Caravan Park (Wales) Bill must be introduced before March 2014 and Darren Millar is keen to hear the opinions of a wide range of individuals and organisations so that they can influence the content of the Bill.

As holiday caravan parks are a matter of concern in many areas that are Welsh speaking strongholds Dyfodol has responded focusing on the impact the lack of regulation has on the Welsh language.

Ymateb Dyfodol i’r Bil Meysydd Carafannau (Welsh only)

Welsh Communities

In 2012 the Welsh Government established a Task and Finish Group on Welsh Communities with the aim of creating a work plan to increase the number of communities where Welsh is the main language.

The Group is chaired by Dr Rhodri LLwyd Morgan and the other members are:

  • Sali Burns
  • Dyfed Edwards
  • Owain Gruffydd
  • Lynne Reynolds
  • Elin Rhys
  • Professor Elan Closs Stephens

The Group has asked for evidence to support their work and Dyfodol has responded  to the call with this document (Welsh only) Ymateb Dyfodol i’r Grwp Gorchwyl a Gorffen Cymunedau Cymraeg