Call for support for students from Wales in Wales

The Welsh Government should support students from Wales who want to study in Wales, but not give financial support to students from Wales who want to study in other countries.

This is the call from Dyfodol i’r Iaith, in response to the report of The Financial Directors Group for Higher Education in Wales on higher education fees.

Heini Gruffudd, Chairman of Dyfodol i’r Iaith, said: “Supporting students from Wales in this way would help solve several issues:
• It would give a fillip to the development of Welsh language higher education courses, and the plans of the Welsh National College
• It would help mitigate emigration from Wales, and keep our best talent in the country
• This in turn would stimulate our indigenous economy.

Heini Gruffudd added: “Another big advantage would be that it would relase enough cash to enable the Welsh Government to give a full grant to students from less privileged backgrounds, making higher education in Wales more inclusive.”

At the moment, students from Scotland get their higher education free in Scotland, and Scotland also give free education to students from the European Union. The Welsh Government gives a grant of up to £5,425 to each student from Wales who studies in Wales and in England.

Response to Consultation on Sustainability Bill

Mae’r ymadrodd ‘datblygu cynaliadwy’ yn deillio o’r mudiad amgylcheddol. Ymgais yw i geisio sefydlu egwyddor sy’n sicrhau nad yw twf economaidd yn digwydd ar draul yr amgylchedd naturiol. Ond mae’n ymadrodd sydd hefyd wedi cael defnydd ehangach mewn cyd-destunau eraill lle ofnir bod datblygu yn digwydd ar draul rhywbeth y dymunir ei gynnal megis cyfiawnder, tegwch cymdeithasol, diwylliant – ac wrth gwrs iaith leiafrifol.

Cafodd papur gwyn Llywodraeth Cymru am fil datblygu cynaliadwy ei feirniadu’n hallt am nad oes sôn ynddo am yr iaith Gymraeg. Ac yn sgil canlyniadau cyfrifiad 2011, lle gwelwyd cwymp sylweddol yng nghanrannau’r nifer sy’n siarad Cymraeg yn y siroedd hynny a ystyrir yn gadarnleoedd yr iaith, cafwyd galwadau pellach i fynnu lle teilwng i’r Gymraeg yn y bil. Continue reading